Tim Wilmot is an English artist from Bristol specialized in watercolors characterized by powerful colors and very marked lights. His workshop will be dedicated to landscape painting. We will do an “En Plein Air” day and a day in the studio. You can register for one day or both.

Prerequisites for participation: a minimum knowledge of watercolor is required. This workshop adresses to watercolorists who want to improve, evolve, take new paths and compare with the work of others.

Painting materials: students must bring their own materials according to the suggestions of Tim Wilmot that you can find in the following document.

Date: Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April 2020
You can register for one day or for both.

Price: € 90.00 for one day – € 150.00 for both days

9:30 arrival and registration of participants
10:00 start of the workshop
13:00-14:30 packed lunch break
17:30 end of activity

Location: Centro Parrocchiale Sant’Antonio d’Arcella – Patronato dell’Arcella
Via Beata Elena Enselmini, 35132 Padova PD Italy


Max number of subscribers: 15/20

The laboratory is reserved for Onda Creativa members. The price to join the association is € 30 and can be done directly before the workshop.

Tim Wilmot

Hi I’m Tim Wilmot, I have painted all my life almost exclusively in watercolor. I love doing marine subjects and landscapes as long as there is a strong light. The watercolor loves contrasts and warm tones against cold ones. I try to paint 4 subjects a week going out to paint en plein air but most of the time I work in the studio and I paint starting from photos. When you live in the UK the weather is not always predictable. I love watercolor, many people say that it is a difficult medium, it is certainly a challenge but it does unique things that with oil you cannot do like wet on wet.
I also like the spontaneity of watercolor, the speed with which you can work and the freshness that you can achieve with this extraordinary medium.


Sorry the workshop is SOLD OUT